Many humans have similar goals and aspirations, but not similar days and responsibilities.

 But she often gets caught up in early-morning edits and then has to rush to school drop-off or work. I told her to set her alarm with enough time to do her favorite workout; set out workout clothes the night before in a visible spot where she can see them when she first wakes up; get out of bed and immediately put them on; and put a sticky note on her laptop that says, “Do not open until after workout.”


On weekdays, my sirene goes off at 4:15 a.m., and my husband and I immediately hop out of bed.

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I chug a bit of water from the bottle on my nightstand, brush my teeth, put on my workout clothes and make our workout electrolyte drinks while he gets his work bag prepped. We hop in the car to head to the gym for our 5 a.m. weightlifting workout class.

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We get back home around 6:15 a.m. and split the mealtime prep: My husband makes our protein-packed breakfast while I pack his lunch for the day and feed our pup. Then we sit down together and eat breakfast, talk about our acara for the day, and he heads out for work. At 7 a.m., I head upstairs to shower and get dressed for the day. Then I sit down to read, write and/or meditate until heading to my home office to start work around 8:30 a.m.

Just my wake-up time makes me sound like an Instagram influencer or privileged tech juragan, right? Yes, I berbagi my advice on Instagram, but no, I promise, I'm not. (I would have to do cold plunges every morning to qualify for that position).

I don't think my way is the best way, and I don't believe it's a universal prescription for the "best" morning routine. My routine has worked well for me over the past few years because it has served as an anchor for my day in this specific season of my life. I figured out what works best for me and took time to sosok out what is going to set me up to have a great day. My routine isn't a one-size-fits-all remedy that will make you a success overnight.

And I will have to adapt it as my life changes. I know this because I'm writing this at 38 weeks pregnant, about to give birth to my first child. I fully understand that the routine that has been my anchor is about to be ripped up and torn apart. I'll have to find a new anchor, evenually. And given the impact that babies have on schedules, I may be sailing without one for a while.

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